Obama contra Osama

May 2, 20111comentarii

Evenimentele de pe 11 septembrie, analizate lucid fara dezinformarile si distorsionarile oficiale/

A lucid analysis of the September 11 events, out of official disinformation and distortion/

For English scroll down

Netul si mass-media in general au sarit in aer, (!!!) in urma stirii ca Bin Laden a fost ucis. News alert. Mare stire mare! Dupa zece de ani de cautari... marele terorist, 11 septembrie etc. M-am uitat 1 minut pe CNN si 1 minut pe televiziunile de stiri din Romania. Peste tot aceleasi imagini cu atentatele de pe 11 septembrie 2001. Insa parca s-au inghitit prea pe nerumegate distorsionarile unei mass-media care slujeste sistemul neosclavagist contemporan. Si de aceea va propun o analiza lucida a situatiei si evenimentelor ce vizeaza aceste zile. Initial mi-am propus un singur articol pe aceasta tema insa nevoia de argumentare l-a transformat in 3 articole legate intre ele pentru o intelegere necosmetizata si nedistorsionata a fenomenului Bin Laden si a evenimentelor de la 11 septembrie.

Exista cateva dubii pe care un om inteligent si informat ar trebui sa si le puna cu privire la aceste evenimente. Dupa ce am vazut atat Zeitgeist The Movie” cat si documentarele oficiale de pe National Geographic” si „Discovery”, pot spune ca adevarul este intre cele doua puncte, dar parca ceva mai apropiat de Zeitgeist. El, ca si altele de genul lui, spun ca 9/11 a fost planificat in totalitate din interior iar documentarele oficiale merg din start pe premisa externa, Al Quaida, dupa cum si canalele de stiri o fac in spiritul picaturii chinezesti. Acum 3 ani am facut aici o analiza asupra acestei situatii pe care o reiau adaptat acum pe acest spatiu.

(actualizare ulterioara: intre timp documentarul The New Pearl Harbora clarificat totul )

Toate bune si frumoase insa lumea inca nu stie ca pe langa cele 2 turnuri gemene World Trade Center din New York mai exista si alte clădiri ce fac parte din acest complex. Cladirile 1 si 2 sint nu sint singure. Pe langa acestea mai sint si cladirile 3,4 si 5, ceva mai mici, la care se adauga si cladirea 7. Cladirea 7… Deja celebra Building 7. Foarte multi dintre cei care au vazut pe viu turnurile prabusindu-se, habar nu au de existenta acestei Cladiri 7. Imaginile turnurilor prabusindu-se au rulat de mii si mii de ori, insa mass-media a evitat sa faca acest lucru si despre aceasta.

Dupa cum se vede in acest film, Cladirea 7 a cazut si ea la fel ca si turnurile lovite de cele 2 avioane. Dar ea nu a fost lovita de niciun avion. Ea nu mai avea nici un motiv sa cada. Nu a existat un al treilea avion care sa o loveasca. Nu a cazut nimic peste ea ca sa fie afectata, caci turnurile s-au prabusit vertical, exact ca intr-o implozie controlata. Si chiar daca cele doua turnuri ar fi cazut peste ea, totusi ea nu s-ar fi demolat uniform din interior, ci s-ar fi storcit cumva din exterior, din locul unde impactul ar fi avut loc.

Nici un om inteligent, cu mintea intreaga si neprostituat fata de sistemul semisclavagist contemporan nu are vreun dubiu ca o astfel de cladire nu putea pica din senin. Se vede clar ca cineva a dat-o jos in mod controlat. Si dubiile continua: daca cineva ar fi demolat si cele doua turnuri in aceeasi maniera? Daca impactul avioanelor a fost suprapotentat de un „ajutor” din interior?

Ma opresc deocamdata aici cu acest fir al intrebarilor, dar am sa revin la el putin mai jos. Deocamdata vreau sa analizez reactia autoritatilor. Cladirea 7 mi se pare o dovada mult mai evidenta decat dovezile ascultarii telefoanelor din scandalul watergate care a condus la demisia presedintelui Nixon. Cladirea 7 nu este o speculatie. Ea este o dovada puternica. Cu toate astea nici un politician american de vaza nu a dat vreo dezmintire publica fata de acest eveniment, dandu-i cumva impresia ca ar fi un lucru nesemnificativ. O societate transparenta ar fi dat o minima explicatie. Nu stiu… a plouat atunci cu galeata si cu bucati meteoritice de grindina… ceva acolo. Singura reactie notabila fata de ideea „9/11 orchestrat din interior” este aceasta reactie a lui Bill Clinton care seamana teribil de mult a contracarare psihologica sau denegare:

Dar tocmai tacerea asta a lor este cea care spune multe. Ca psiholog pot observa ca acest refuz al lor de a comenta este in primul rand o strategie mediatica. La aproape 10 ani de la evenimentele din 11 septembrie, nici macar 10 la suta din cetateni nu stiu despre aceasta misterioasa cladire 7. Evident, discutand despre ea, autoritatile ar fi scoas-o in evidenta si l-ar fi ajutat pe cetatean sa gandeasca. Dimpotriva, se poate vedea clar ca principala preocupare a autoritatilor si a canalelor media este sa tina publicul de mainstream, publicul bovin care merge la vot, departe de aceste informatii. In alte situatii mass-media simuleaza destul de bine libertatea opiniilor si astfel da impresia ca ofera si alternativa unei anumite informatii, respectiv punctul de vedere contrar. Dar in cazul acestui subiect nu se spune nimic despre punctul de vedere opus, anume ca „11 septembrie a fost orchestrat din interior”.

Cand filmele despre cladirea 7 au aparut pe internet ele au fost sterse sistematic de google si You Tube. Avand in vedere ineditul lor si potentiala popularitate, nu exista nici un motiv sa fie sterse decat acela ca in spate exista o comanda politica. In acest punct, vorbele frumoase despre echitate, libertate si democratie sunt povesti goale. Capitalismul ascunde informatii „vitale” neconvenabile in anumite conditii in acelasi fel in care totalitarismul comunist o facea cu voiosie. Numai ca avalansa deja incepuse si, cum necum, informatiile au ajuns la omul de rand si au inceput sa se raspandeasca. Abia cand popularitatea lui G. Bush a atins cote periculos de scazute pentru insasi functionarea democratiei, evident ca aceste filme n-au mai fost sterse pentru ca deja ajunsesera celebre. Era deja tarziu. Zeitgeist a ajuns cel mai vizionat documentar din istorie. Increderea in sistem si institutiile statului a atins cote inimaginabil de scazute si sunt convins ca criza economica a fost conditionata si de acest factor. Am vorbit cu cetateni americani simpli si am vazut cum se tem sa discute aceste subiecte, la fel cum in Romania totalitarista cetatenii se temeau de Securitate. Daca sustii varianta „11 septembrie a fost orchestrat din interior” esti dat afara din orice companie, ti se sterg urmele pur si simplu. Libertatea de expresie este inlocuita cu „nu e timp pentru democratie acum”.

Eu unul, daca as fi autoritate a statului, si daca as fi acuzat de planuirea acestor atentate si m-as sti cu adevarat nevinovat as fi reconstruit cateva etaje de world trade center dupa aceiasi parametrii si as face un experiment de genul acesta (min2. 27)

pentru a nu lasa dubii. Atunci am vedea sigur daca turnurile ar fi cazut singure dupa impactul avioanelor. Un astfel de experiment nu ar costa foarte mult. Insa daca autoritatile prefera sa pompeze bani in canalele mass-media pentru a sustine si varianta oficiala si a nu spune nimic despre varianta "demolare controlata", atunci asta pe mine ma intriga. S-a facut ceva de genul acesta transmis pe National Geographic insa e departe de a fi o simulare a acelor evenimente.

Autoritatile au insa ceva de ascuns aici, si asta se vede clar. La fel ca si Bush, Obama incearca sa dreaga busuiocul cu acelasi tip de discurs, necatadicsind sa dea un minim raspuns „prostilor” astia care au indrazneala sa se intrebe. Tacerea asta infricosatoare ma face sa ma gandesc la posibilitatea foarte mare ca un astfel de experiment sa nu sustina varianta oficiala de fapt, si astfel de constructie sa nu cada pur si simplu la impactul cu avionul. Si acum revin la sirul intrebarilor pe care l-am amanat mai sus, dar care nu era greu de intrevazut. Daca Bin Laden, cu terorismul sau marginal, era transformat intr-un diavol, si daca Al Quaida era transformata intr-un imperiu al raului, atunci se putea porni un razboi de cucerire a resurselor din Irak via Afganistan. Acest lucru s-a si intamplat in ultima decada. Exista trei posibile variante ale filmului complet cu tragedia 11 septembrie, dincolo de minciunile spuse de mass-media.

Cea mai apropiata de varianta oficiala ar fi intr-adevar ca Bin Laden a organizat acele atentate, ca s-a intalnit cu grupul de la Hamburg, ca le-a ordonat, etc. Atacurile provocau cam vreo 500-1000 de morti maxim. Dar pentru ca se temea ca in viitor structura de rezistenta va fi subrezita sau ca turnurile nu vor mai fi la fel de sigure de pe urma acestui eveniment, cineva a decis sa le demoleze si sa le refaca, fara sa se fi avut in vedere o strategie de invadare a Irakului. As paria pe scenariul acesta in proportie de 85-90%. Partea slaba a acestui scenariu tine de lipsa de dovezi concrete pentru varianta demolarii, insa zona in cauza nu putea fi investigata la acel moment de catre alte surse decat cele oficiale care, fireste, puteau acoperi totul.

O a doua varianta insa cuprinde si o astfel de strategie. Ea este identica cu prima pana la momentul demolarii turnurilor. Aici intervine motivul care este insusi petrolul irakian, luat la un pret mai ieftin in conditii de „democratie”. In acest caz autoritatile si-au amplificat pierderile demoland intreg complexul World Trade Center impreuna cu cladirea 7… Scopul a fost pornirea unui razboi de cucerire al petrolului, vopsit in razboi antiterorist sau anti arme chimice. Pentru aceasta a doua varianta as paria in proportie de 75-80%. Pe langa dubiile provenite din prima varianta, aici se adauga si faptul ca nu prea este timp intr-o ora-doua sa planifici asa ceva.

Dar aceste prime doua variante reprezinta cel mai finut scenariu. Ce-a de-a treia e cu adevarat ingrijoratoare. Daca ei sunt atat de cinici incat sa-si tripleze si chiar quatrupleze pierderile, si atat de cinici incat sa isi omoare proprii cetateni, atunci e destul de probabil pe acelasi filon sa isi si organizeze ei insisi atacurile. Cum? Foarte simplu. Infiltrezi un agitator CIA intre niste extremisti religiosi, suficient de fanatici incat sa se sinucida pentru „cauza sfanta”, insa insuficient de destepti si meticulosi incat sa se organizeze. Si astfel ii manipulezi sa comita un atac major impotriva ta astfel incat tu sa pornesti un razboi de acaparare a petrolului irakian vopsit in razboi impotriva terorismului. Probabilitatea unui astfel de scenariu mi se pare pe undeva pe la 60-70 % datorita noii ipoteze implicate ce scade gradul de siguranta ale celorlalte doua.

Desi mi se pare foarte improbabila am s-o includ aici si pe cea de-a patra varianta. Ea sustine ca grupul de la Hambrug nu ar fi existat deloc si ca inclusiv atacurile ar fi fost regizate de CIA, FBI si alte (de)servicii secrete fara nici un fel de implicare a vreunui fanatic religios islamic, de grupul de la Hamburg sau de altundeva. Sunt destui adepti ai ideilor Zeitgeist care cred asta, insa mie nu mi se pare foarte probabil. Sunt destui civili care si-au sunat rudele in momentul deturnarii avioanelor si i-au descris pe deturnatori. Nu zic ca e imposibil dar mi se pare improbabil. Daca as fi fost CIA, mi-ar fi mai usor sa manipulez o mana de fanatici religiosi si sa-i atrag intr-o astfel de capcana, decat sa construiesc astfel de scenarii cu familiile pasagerilor.

Dar se poate totusi merge cu speculatia mai departe destul de logic inclusiv pe aceasta idee oficiala la care si eu subscriu, dupa care atacurile au fost savarsite intr-adevar de grupul de la Hamburg. Se poate oricand imagina ca turnurile WTC sa nu mai fi fost dorite pur si simplu. Erau deja invechite. In lume se construisera alte turnuri mai inalte decat cele facute pentru a epata puterea financiara, militara si doctrinara a capitalismului american. Asa cum manelistii nostri si-au daramat palatul cand clanul rival a facut un palat mai mare, si manelistii lor e posibil sa fi facut acelasi lucru la o scara mult mai mare. Sau poate s-au gasit defecte de constructie, cine stie… Orice este posibil cand ai de a face cu corporatistii. Oricum ar fi, varianta oficiala e parca cea mai improbabila, cu toate ca i s-a facut publicitate de miliarde de dolari pentru a fi injectata in mintea lui gura-casca.

In august 2011, la 3 luni dupa ce am scris acest articol, o fosta agenta CIA face niste declaratii absolut socante despre atacurile de la 11 septembrie 2001. Ea a declarat clar ca CIA stia despre aceste atacuri dar ca de undeva venise ordinul sa se taca. Dupa cum se vede din film, Susan Lindauer crede ca aceasta optiune ar fi venit de la cei 3 capi a statului american de atunci, respectiv Bush, Cheney si Rumsfeld. Parerea mea e ca acestia au avut doar rol de oglinda si ca tot din CIA a pornit decizia. Oricum,e de vazut modul in care a fost inlaturata si persecutata apoi de autoritati prin arestare pentru atitudinea ei de alarmare fata de aceasta situatie.

„Schimbul” de petrol irakian contra unor hartii tiparite (dolar) s-a regasit in scaderea nivelului de trai ala americanului, justificabil doar de razboi. Americanul de rand se plange ca isi plateste din ce in ce mai greu facturile. Dar exact acesta este si sensul razboiului: el trebuie sa „work harder” iar vina pentru scaderea nivelului de trai se poate arunca foarte usor pe Bin Laden. Avantaj corporatii, Rockefeller, Bilderberg …

Cladirea 7 a fost greseala crimei perfecte. Bulding 7 este pentru capitalism cam ceea ce era Dumnezeu pentru comunism. Ea este dovada vie ca autoritatile ne mint si creeaza conspiratii monstruoase impotriva cetatenilor proprii pentru a-si atinge idealurile lor egoiste de putere si bogatie.

Tainuirea acestor informatii de catre privilegiatii sociali, acceptarea acestora ca strategii de inginerie sociala si manipulare, ascund niste oameni care sunt pusi in functiile cheie ale democratiei dar care se gandesc numai la oligarhie. Pentru ei aceasta bruma de libertate oferita omului simplu nu e vazuta cu ochi buni pentru ca de mii de ani ei sunt obisnuiti ca acesta sa le fie servitor.

Eu sunt convins ca democratia va cadea cu totul atunci cand macar 80% din cetateni vor intelege ce e cu cladirea 7. Daca autoritatile sunt in masura sa sacrifice aproape 4 000 de oameni plus alte 2445 in Afganistan plus 4452 in Irak pe langa peste 100 000 de victime locale, pentru a scadea pretul petrolului, atunci democratia are o mare, mare problema. Omul de rand nu mai sustine asa ceva cu toata manipularea, dezinformarea si cosmetizarea oferita de sistem. Rezultatul este insasi criza economica ce s-a instlat in spatiul american.

In urmatorul articol (http://baldovin.blogspot.ro/2011/05/dubii-fata-de-imaginea-al-quaida-ca.html ) voi arata imboldul strategic al autoritatilor de a supradimensiona Al Quaida tocmai pentru a face cat mai probabil scenariul oficial cu demolarea turnurilor

A lucid analysis of the September 11 events, out of official disinformation and distortion/

The media exploded (!!!) under the story that Bin Laden was killed. News alert. Big, big news! After ten years of searching ... the most dangerous terrorist, September 11 etc. I watched CNN for 1 minute and then, the Romanian news television also for 1 minute. Everywhere were the same images with the September 11, 2001 attacks. I think that the distortions of the new slavery contemporary system served by media were swallowed without much chewing. Therefore propose a lucid analysis of the situation and events that concern these days. Initially I wanted a single article on the subject but the need of reasoning turned it into 3 linked articles for an unvarnished and undistorted understanding of the Bin Laden phenomenon and the events of September 11.

There are few doubts that a smart and informed person should ask about these events. After seeing the “Zeitgeist the Movie" and the National Geographic" and "Discovery" official documentaries, I can say that truth is between the two points, but a little bit closer to the Zeitgeist. This one, like others of his type, say that 9/11 was entirely planned from inside as the official documentaries are based entirely on the Al Qaeda external premise, as news channels keep repeating it like a Chinese droplet. 3 years ago I did an analysis of this situation here and I now adapted for this space...

(later edit : in the meantime there was released the documentary The New Pearl Harbor that clarifired everything )

Everything is fine except for the fact that the world still does not know that besides the World Trade Center two twin towers in New York there are another buildings that were part of this complex. Buildings 1 and 2 are not the only ones. There are also smaller buildings 3.4 to 5, and building 7. Building 7…... The famous Building 7. The big majority of those who saw live the towers collapsing, have no absolute idea about the existence of this Building 7. The collapsing towers pictures have run thousands of times, but the media avoided to do the same about this one.

As seen in this film, building 7 also fell just like the 2 towers that were hit by the planes. But it was not hit by any plane. There was no reason for it to fall. There was not a third plane to hit it. Nothing fell over it to be damaged, because the towers collapsed vertically, just like a controlled implosion. And even if the towers would have fallen upon, though it would not have been uniformly demolished from inside, but it would somehow have squeezed from outside, from where the impact had occurred.

No smart, sane and unpaid by the contemporary new (wage) slavery system person has no doubt that such a building could not fall out of the blue. It is obvious that someone took it down in a controlled manner. And doubts continue: what if someone would be demolished the two towers in the same manner? What if the jet impact over the two towers was amplified by some “help” from inside?

I stop here for now with this thread of questions, but I'll soon come back to it. For now I want to analyze the reaction of the authorities. The Building 7 evidence seems to be more obvious than the Watergate scandal phones listening evidence that led to the resignation of President Nixon. Building 7 is not speculation. It is strong evidence. Yet, no important American politician has given any public denial to this event, giving the impression that somehow it would be insignificant. A transparent society would have a minimal explanation for that fact. I do not know what...maybe it was a heavy rain with meteoric pieces of hail ... or something there. The only notable reaction to the idea of " 9/11 was an inside job" is this Bill Clinton's reaction that looks very much like a psychological counteraction or negation:

But it is this theirs silence that says a lot. As a psychologist I may notice that their refusal to comment on is primarily a media strategy. After almost 10 years from the September 11 event, less than 10 percent of citizens know about this mysterious Building 7. Obviously, if talking about it, the authorities would bring attention to it and that would have helped the citizens to ask questions. On the contrary, it is obvious that the authorities and the media channels main concern is to keep mainstream audiences, the sheep people that go to vote, away from this information. The media ussualy simulates well enough freedom of opinion and give the impression to offer an alternative to certain information. But in this case it is nothing said about the opposite view, meaning "September 11 was orchestrated from the inside ".

When the images about Building 7 have appeared on the internet, they have been systematically erased by Google and YouTube. Given their originality and potential popularity, there is no reason to be deleted except that there is a political order. In this point, the beautiful words about fairness, freedom and democracy are empty stories. The capitalism hides "vital" inconvenient information in certain conditions in the same way that the communist totalitarianism cheerfully did. But the avalanche started and, somhow, the information reached the common people and began to spread. When G.W. Bush's popularity has reached dangerously low level for the very functioning of democracy, these films were not been deleted anymore. But at that point they were famous. It was too late. The Zeitgeist became the most watched documentary in history. The confidence in the social system and State institutions has reached an unimaginable low level and I am convinced that the economic crisis was conditioned by this factor also. I talked to ordinary American citizens and saw how afraid they are to discuss these issues, like the Romanian totalitarian citizens feared Securitate. If common people in USA say that "9/11 was an inside job", then that person is fired from job, simply wipe traces. The freedom of expression is replaced with "no time for democracy now".

I myself, if would be a State authority, and if would be accused of masterminding these attacks as being really innocent, then I would rebuilt several floors of the World Trade Center after the same parameters and would do an experiment like this (min2. 27)

to leave no doubt. Then we all would see for sure if the towers had fallen after the planes impact. That experiment would mot cost a lot. But if the authorities prefer to pump money into the media channels to support the official version and say nothing about the opposite idea of “controlled demolition”, then this intrigues me a lot. Something like has been done by National Geographic but it was far from being a those events simulation.

The authorities have something to hide here, and this is obvious. Like Bush, Obama have the same type of speech, not giving a minimum response to the "sily" guys who have the guts to wonder. This frightening silence makes me think about the possibility that such experiment may not actually support the official version, and that building simply not fall after the plane’s impact. And now I go back to the series of questions that I postponed above, not hard to foresee. If Bin Laden, with his marginal terrorism, would be shown as a monster, and if Al Qaeda would be shown as an empire of evil, then it would have been much easier to start a conquest war for resources in Iraq via Afghanistan. Tjis is excatcly what has happened in the last decade. There are three possible versions scenarios concerning the tragedy of September 11th, beyond the lies told by the media.

The nearest official version would be like Bin Laden organized indeed those attacks, as he met the Hamburg group, ordered them, etc. The attacks were causing about 500-1000 maximum deaths. But, because of caution that in the future the structural strength will be weakened or the towers will not be as safe after this event, someone has decided to demolish and rebuild them again later, without a previous strategy to invade Iraq. I bet this scenario for about 85-90%. The weak part of this scenario is the lack of factual evidences concerning the demolition version, but the area could not be investigated at the time by other sources than the official ones who, of course, could cover everything up.

The second version includes such a strategy too. It is identical to the first one until the demolition of the towers. Here comes the reason itself, which is taking the Iraqi oil at a cheaper price in terms of "democracy". In this case the authorities amplified losses and demolished the entire World Trade Center complex, including the Building 7 ... The goal was to start a war of conquest, painted as the war on terror oil or as the war on chemical weapons. For this second version I would bet at a rate of 75-80%. Besides the first version doubts, here comes another one which is not having enough time to plan it in an hour or two time.

But these first two versions are the most human scenario. The third one is really worrying. If they are so cynical to triple or even quadruple the losses, and so cynical to kill their own citizens, then it is quite likely to organize themselves these attacks. How? Very simple. CIA infiltrated an agent among some enough fanatical religious extremists that accept suicidal for the "holy cause", but not smart enough and not meticulous enough that they organize all by themselves. Further on, they manipulated them to commit a major attack against USA, so to have enough reasons to start a war of getting the Iraqi oil, painted in war on terror. The probability of such a scenario seems to me somewhere around the 60-70%, due to new assumptions involved that decreases the safety of the other two.

But these first two versions are the most human scenario. The third one is really worrying. If they are so cynical to triple or even quadruple the losses, and so cynical to kill their own citizens, then it is quite likely to organize themselves these attacks. How? Very simple. CIA infiltrated an agent among some enough fanatical religious extremists that accept suicidal for the "holy cause", but not smart enough and not meticulous enough that they organize all by themselves. Further on, they manipulated them to commit a major attack against USA, so to have enough reasons to start a war of getting the Iraqi oil, painted in war on terror. The probability of such a scenario seems to me somewhere around the 60-70%, due to new assumptions involved that decreases the safety of the other two.

Although it seems very unlikely, I will include here the fourth version. This one says the Hambrug group did not existed at all, nor the attacks who, would had been directed by the CIA, FBI and other intelligence secrete (dis)services, without any involvement of any Islamic religious fanatic, Hamburg group or whatever else. There are many Zeitgeist supporters who believe it, but I find it very unlikely. There are civilians who have called relatives after the panes were hijacked and they were described in these calls. I'm not saying it is impossible, but it seems unlikely. If I were CIA, it would be much easier to manipulate a handful of religious fanatics and to catch them in such a trap than to build al kind of scenarios with the passengers’ families.

But you can still go on quite logical speculation including official idea that I subscribe and then attacks were indeed committed by the group from Hamburg. We can easily imagine that the WTC towers were no longer desired. They were already obsolete. In the world were built other towers, higher than those made to amaze for financial, military and doctrinal power of American capitalism. Just like a parvenu can destroy its palace when a rival clan builds a greater one, these biggest parvenus could have done the same at a much larger scale. Or maybe there were defects found in construction, who knows ... Anything is possible when you're dealing with corporatists. Whatever may be, the official version is the most improbable of all, although it was advertised with billion dollars to be injected into the booby’s mind.

In August 2011, 3 months after I wrote this article, a former CIA agent made absolutely shocking statements about the September 11, 2001 attacks. She clearly stated that the CIA knew about the attacks but somehow there came the order to keep it secret. As seen in the video below, Susan Lindauer believes that this option would have come from those three heads of the back then US state, which were Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. My opinion is that they played only a mirror part in this story and that it was the CIA that originally made this decision. Anyway, it is very interesting to see how she was marginalized and then persecuted by being arrested by the authorities for her alarming attitude about this issue.

"Exchanging" the Iraqi oil for some printed papers (dollar) was found in the American living standards falling, justifiable by the war only. The simple American person complains more and more about the difficulty of paying the bills. But this is the meaning of war: he has to "work harder” and the blame for falling living standards can easily throw on Bin Laden. Benefit for corporations, Rockefeller, Bilderberg ...

Building 7 was the mistake for a perfect crime. Building 7 is for capitalism what God was to communism. It is the living proof that the authorities are lying and creates monstrous conspiracies against own citizens to achieve their selfish ideals of power and wealth.

Hiding such information by the social privileged ones, and their acceptance as a strategy of social engineering and manipulation, show a kind of people who are placed in democracy’s key positions but who think only to the oligarchy. For them the little freedom offered to common people is not seen with good eyes because for thousands of years they are used to have it as their servant.

I am convinced that democracy will collapse when at least 80% of citizens will understand what happened to Building 7. If the authorities are capable to sacrifice almost 4000 people, plus 2445 more in Afghanistan and plus 4452 more in Iraq, in addition to more than 100 000 local victims, in order to lower oil prices, then the democracy has a big, big problem. Ordinary people would not support something like this anymore with all the manipulation, misinformation and social cosmeticing offered by the system. The result is the very economic crisis that has installed in American economy.

In the next article (http://baldovin.blogspot.ro/2011/05/dubii-fata-de-imaginea-al-quaida-ca.html ) I will analyze the authorities' strategy of oversizing Al Qaeda to a terrorist organization just to make the official towers demolition scenario morel likely.

Pentru limba romana glisati in sus

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10:04 AM

Good day! This post could not be written any better!

Reading through this post reminds me of my previous room mate!

He always kept talking about this. I will forward this
page to him. Pretty sure he will have a good read.
Thanks for sharing!

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